
import { keys, curry, range, map, forEach } from "ramda"

 * Front fill a dataframe
 * Returns the dataframes with NaN or null values filled in.
 * Does not treat 0 as something to fill in, but does treat "" as such
 * @func
 * @memberOf Z
 * @category Analysis
 * @param {df} df Dataframe to fill NAs
 * @param {any} fillValue Value to fill with
 * @param {Array} cols Array of column names to convert. Set to null or [] for all.
 * @return {df}
 * @example
 * const series = [{"label": "A", "value": 7}, {"label": "B", "value": NaN}, {"label": "C", "value": 75}]
 * Z.fillNA(series, -1)
 * // [{"label": "A", "value": 7}, {"label": "B", "value": -1}, {"label": "C", "value": 75}]
const fillNA = curry((df, fillValue, cols) => {
    return => {
        var toReturn = {...each}
        if(!cols || !cols.length) {
            cols = keys(each)
        cols.forEach(col => {
            if(!each[col] && each[col] !== 0) {
                toReturn[col] = fillValue
        return toReturn

export default fillNA